100% manually submitted with full submission report.
It takes 5-15 days to manually fill your order!
IMPORTANT: Provide below info in the order notes or send it to our email [email protected] after your payment:
Your Email (used only for report) Required*
Your Name
Your web URL
Keywords or tags
Business Name
Owner Name
Full Address
Phone (Optional)
Fax (Optional)
Business Email
Year Found
Number of Employee
Operating Hours
Video URL Optional
Logo URL
Photos URL
Photo URL #1 (Optional)
Photo URL #2 (Optional)
Photo URL #3 (Optional)
Social Media Links (GooglePlus, Facebook, Twitter etc..)
ACN/ABN (Applicable for Australia only)
Our production team ensure we’ll never duplicate citation listings by checking for your business details in each directory before we submit. Sometimes your business will already have listings in some of the 100 directories on our approved list. if this is the case we’ll provide a partial refund for the amount we can’t do.
Yes. Our production team will screenshot every single submission at the final stage so you have piece of mind knowing your citation has been submitted.
Upon completion, expect around 25% of instant live directory listings. Different directory websites will have different rules regarding acceptance and you may be subject to a longer review process which may also include the directory verifying business details with the owners via phone, email or letter. This will of course increase the length of time a placement may get accepted and will also require the full co operation of the business owner (i.e you or your client). We simply don’t guarantee all submissions will result in a live placement because of these variables but we do provide you a full submission report which shows screenshots of any submission that may not have resulted in an instant live placement.
We’ll provide all the login information we used to create your listing account in your report. You can then access and make any changes you need to.
Yes. Some directories will probably want to verify your listing by calling your business number or emailing your email account at a later date. These submissions are usually the ones that are not instant approval. For agencies, its advisable to let your clients know this so if they do receive a call its usually simply just to verify the business exists and the information is correct about them.
Not all citations will allow website links (less than 50%) and the ones that do may be nofollow
These are manual submissions, and for websites that don’t auto accept we take a screenshot of the submission page to show the submission on your report.
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