Write For Us

InstaSmarter always welcomes quality writers and happy to publish your content if it is truly original, 100% Copyscape and written exclusively to post on InstaSmarter.com

You can submit your articles to [email protected]

Please read the submission guidelines at write for us page, for maintaining blog we’ll charge a following nominal fee per submission.
–    Contextual Regular post with 1 Do follow backlink (Publish only) $20
A word about our audience:

Our audience is made up of artist, musician, singer, actress, actor,  entertainer, marketers. And since my website accept bitcoin and other altercoins my audience also contains bitcoin and blockchain fans, your guest post simply needs to be directed to our core audience (marketers) in some way based upon the areas that we cover:
  1. Bitcoin and Blockchain
  2. Marketing Strategy
  3. Social Media Marketing
  4. Useful information and tools related to artist, musician, singer, actress, actor, entertainer, marketers, Bitcoin and Blockchain

Guest posting rules:

  1. More than 400 words, must be original.
  2. You can’t directly advertise your product, business or service within your guest post unless we approve it first.
  3. You may add 1 links to any of your online products or services within the main body of your guest post.
  4. You may include a bio/signature section at the end of your post where you can link to your website.
  5. Do not include screenshots that brand your own product or services. This is to avoid any sense of promotion.
  6. Submission fee: 20 USD for 1 article if approved.
  7. No gambling or porn.