
Buy Twitter Sponsored Mentions-100K Social Reach


Get popular influencers promoting you to 100k+ followers.
Impressions: 100,000+ / Influencers: 4-8 

Enter up to 3 custom tweets you would like the influencers to tweet

100% AdSense safe and Guaranteed Delivery
Results Start in 3–6 days Hours and Delivery within 1-2 Weeks.
Results Will Continue Daily Until Order is Complete
All you need to do is process your order with us, sit back, and relax.
We will take care of everything for you and provide you with the best service.

Our Sponsored Mentions service is a Premium Twitter Marketing service that gets verified influencers (that we’ve partnered with) @mentioning and recommending you to their active, targeted followers. This helps:
(1) Spread awareness about you / your company
(2) Attract genuine, targeted Twitter followers
(3) Strengthen Online Credibility & Reputation
Our plans are based on one single factor: How many people do you want to be exposed to? We offer multiple plans based on audience reach (ie. Impressions) on Twitter

Targeting Options
We’ll match your account with the best-qualified influencers in our private 5,000+ Influencer Network. Targeting is based on your tweets, niche and/or location, and whom your account appeals to best. If there is no apparent target audience, we’ll have general influencers join your campaign